


  1. hi elisa. Ive been reading about your case for a few months now. its so strange I'm seeing what you saw, reading your thoughts directly even though you no longer physically exist. If you hadn't died I wouldn't even know who you are just some other human living in this world who I would never come across. Im sad I had to find you this way. you seem so...normal? not some famous person or anything just a girl like the rest of us who has unique interests and has days where she struggles. I so desperately wish I knew what happened to you it would ease mine and most definitely your families mind. I wish I could have meet you just once or maybe seen you in passing. Maybe I did and didn't even realize. Im so disgusted that you have been boiled down to that creepy girl in the elevator you were and are so much more than that. I hope you can see this or somehow you hear this. im sorry

  2. i don't even find she was creepy in that video, but I immediately thought she was having a mental health issue going on... It is easy to relate to her as she seemingly was a normal person. From her texts she clearly was struggling; very self-aware and able to express that. The human mind is a trick thing.

  3. beautiful, but it must have been difficult to put on hahah love it
