

I've been having headaches for the past two days and my vision shakes when I stand.
I'm not sure if it's vertigo but definitely do not feel stable even when sitting.
It also gets hard to focus at time. I can't seem to process the whole scene, almost like tunnel-vision on a hand-held camera.

If only family doctors worked on Sunday.
I don't see why a few can't decide to work weekends and close on other days of the week.
Sickness doesn't take a day off and even pharmacists are available 7 days a week.
Oh well, nothing I can do unless I feel like going to the hospital (no way)

On to matters less related to reality....

These images are from a fashion blogger known as piksi who posted her outfits on her flickr account. She was a favourite in the group Waredrobe Remix and Hel-looks featured her a few times.

She appears to have closed down her account but the interwebs still remembers her.
It's a shame really since her style is very beautiful and always had cute feminine details. Of course it goes without saying she's quite the beauty. Her skin is a creamy porcelain care of her Scandinavian genes undoubtedly.
I can't help but feel a bit jealous of her since her look simply can't be emulated in any way.
(That hair hair! How does she do her hair?)

I only got one screenshot of her outfits that included a bit of information on the clothes (I regret not saving more photos now. The dress she wore for her graduation was a dream)
She mostly shopped at H&M but the pieces I loved most were from the popular finnish designer Minna Parikka (very girly and cute shoes)

Hope you have a relaxing day.
Here's a totoro cupcake to get you started

I'm starting to add my favourite links
my brain is about to blow so it's not a good time to figure out how to modify the blogger template


something I'm thinking about

" I don’t want to ever feel like I need to impress anyone on the internet or in real life; it’s too much pressure. I want, like everyone else, to leave a record of myself while still standing out in my own right. I don’t want to feel forced to update out of a fear of losing readers because, once I’m coerced into doing something, it’s not longer fun and I feel I can no longer be true to myself. I just want to show everyone who I am, who I choose to be, and who I may be in the future. I am extremely grateful for anyone who continues to come back even with my terrible blogging habits and it’s reassuring to know that someone out there finds my quaint little life interesting :) "

Fashion bloggers do end up being lauded as vain. There is a lot of criticism for the amount of materialism involved when your blog focuses on fashion and style.
Perhaps it's due to the tendency for bloggers to post pictures of themselves
listing all their articles of clothing and the brands
while emulating the high fashion model poses.

It is never fair for a person to judge another without getting to know someone;
on the internet it's too easy. Actually in real-life it's also easy but our moms taught us to keep that to ourselves.

People can get caught up in the branding aspect of fashion.
Style becomes less about expression and more about how much disposable money you can spend on clothes and which labels you wear.
A floral dress is different from a floral dress by Chloe.
Would that be apparent simply by a photo or does the outfit summary tell you more?

The lack of ethnics and boundaries on the internet can be alarming.
A 30-year old blogger can most certainly handle criticisms better than a 15-year old
On the other hand, you could assume that a 15 year old is more apt to leave some horrible comments on a blog but that is not true.
Trolling knows no boundaries. There is no place it won't go and it doesn't care how old you are, so long as they make their demonstration of power to say something heartless and do so anonymously.
No consequences of reality exists whatsoever.

I'm with Annabel on blogging.
I hope you, reader and/or lurker, will have thought on this matter too.



esquire russia april 2010

valerija kelava
unknown source