I'm super excited to be going to New York for one week. I wish I was staying longer but I'm happy that I get to go at all. Unfortunately I'll be going during perhaps the hottest week in New York and I'm not sure how I'll be able to last taking the subway and walking along the hot pavement. Do people carry around tissues and mop themselves once they get out of the heat?
My gameplan is to spend most of my time in the museums. I am not an art afficionado nor do I study art history but walking around museums is a luxury that I do not get to enjoy often. Also, when you are within the proximity of museums that house the greatest artworks created, how do you not jump on the chance?
I will of course be going to the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibition at the MET (which is ending not soon after my trip!)
I greatly appreciate any recommendations for places to eat, how to survive the heat and any other words of wisdoms from your own experience in New York.
Have a wonderful week
Thanks for your comment on my blog! Glad you agreed that Savage Beauty was well worth the wait. And yes, I knew about the "suggested" ticket price. I usually pay about $10 the first time I go, but then every other time I pay $1. I go often when I'm in nyc ;)
You know what happened to her afterwards? :(
It remains a mystery, probably forever.
I think these posts says alot about her
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